I AM AUSTRALIA - The Project


I am here to introduce something that we all unknowingly live in this continent nation, we are:


Only here in Australia, unlike any other Country on the planet, there is such an elevated concentration of wonderful Ethnic Groups diversity, represented by all of us. In fact, out of the approximately 200 nations on the planet, here we have about 150 ones, representing hundreds of the Principal Ethnic Groups, which come together to be the single largest concentration of ethnicities.


The great wealth that this produces is however, frequently hindered and not used to its full capacity due to the influence of personal and national interests. For example I was born Italian however I am clearly aware that if the world was made up solely of Italians that it would be limited and monotonous. This is in spite of the specific characteristics of Italians having contributed to the enrichment of the wonders of this Planet, as have almost all other ethnicities.

Considering the crisis that are engulfing Nations across our Planet, from existential to nutritional crises, be it for wealthy or poorer nations, it’s time to  commence real change and action. If we all begin to connect and balance Personal Good with Shared Good and Shared Good with Personal Good, we can begin to really utilise the Great Gift that we as Individuals Beings are: that is Diverse Beings.

Diversity is the greatest Wealth, Imagination that we have received. One has to only consider for a moment this wealth all around us given to us by Nature, or for believers by God, and it’s because it is all around us, everyday, that we don’t give it its due Respect. Let me offer a simple example: Imagine that we are all at a market and the first thing that strikes us is the Choice, Colour, Taste, Scents and all this arrives from different parts of the Planet allowing for our tables and our nutrition to be full of Choice, Colour, Taste, and Scents. Imagine that we go back to that same market the following day with high expectations and we find only the one fruit, the one choice, the one colour, taste, sights and aromas. After three days of the same thing we are no longer ourselves and our lives would be changed and saddened and we would regret the Diversity of Opportunity that we currently take for granted and do not Respect.

We are the all the Wonderfully Diverse Fruit of the Tree of Life and we all can and I believe should, be open to offering and receiving our Diversity for a Common Benefit, which enriches the Grand Experiment called Life. By offering and not imposing our diversity we are able to share and understand all that surrounds us.

Diversity in Unity and Unity and Diversity

Australia should be seen not as a place of individual opportunity, but as a place of social, multicultural and interracial consciousness. One doesn’t come to Australia for personal convenience rather to give to this new world a collective benefit so that it can reach social objectives, peace, love culture, science, technology and diversity.

All that is required to activate and refresh all this is to recover our memory that we are Love and that we are Brothers and that only by living in Love in Action and Brotherhood in Manifestation are we able to nourish our Soul, our Spirit just as we do our Body.

Be Better to Live Better

“I AM AUSTRALIA” is not about presenting a nationalistic strength, it is something that goes beyond our Human Will and is already happening. Now it is up to us to give it Value and Worth.

“I AM AUSTRALIA” is a major Laboratory, Library and Database that have begun to happen in this physical place.  And now it needs all of us to become Ambassadors of the possibility to Be and Live in Cultural Religious Racial Brotherhood, so that this can Reverberate across the Planet and we can all be ambassadors of Love, Fraternity and Diversity through the Culture that has shaped this, as well as Apprentices of all the Cultures that Shape and Enrich it. We all came to this Nation bringing with us our Historical Wealth – whereby the Cultural and Spiritual joins with our Historical Wealth – as well as the Cultural and Spiritual tenets of indigenous Culture, which all together could produce the First Grand Manifestation of Peaceful Brotherhood on the Planet.
“I AM AUSTRALIA” is a Cultural and Education Project, hence it is does not aim to promote a product or service that focuses on providing an economic return, rather its Aim is to promote an idea of Shared Reality that reflects what it is already happening in Australia but out of necessity. Investing in the effective Use of our Diversity could make our lives much richer. The benefits would also be economic, because by using a Shared Cultural Wealth for Shared Benefit would make life more Essential even in its economic aspects which would serve to place the economy closer to a condition of real and actual needs and not just virtual necessity.

The Proposition

This actions commences by seeking all those Human Beings that want to build in Australia a Conscience of Human Fraternity and share the experiences its contains, Scientific, Religious, Philosophical, Esoteric, Economic and others … and grow Together and provide this Nation with an Evolutionary Service. This is an action to grow and evolve ourselves; which is the only way to grow and evolve the world where we live, as we are the world.    
Create a meeting space where all Beings that want to evolve can evolve with other Beings

Create a spot internally and externally where we can dream and build a place that gives benefit to us and to Others.

Create a place where uncertainties and fears can be shared so as to transform them to Courage and Action

Create a place where of one's own understanding and share them in goodwill those who have not yet achieved such understanding

Create a place where Music, the Arts, Culture, Politics, Religion are the worlds where one has the possibility to build and live Balance.

Create a place where one can discover new Understanding, new Knowledge and comprehend the wealth of all types of Understanding and the Knowledge of Past

Create a place to share. To share Knowledge and Understanding is the only means we have to grow.


A space where people can seek advice to change their personal condition, as a couple, or with others.

We are all or have all been at some point challenged without having answers and solutions, here our growth will be able to create a database of possible opportunities or solutions to verify and to consider as possible evolutionary choices.

I AM AUSTRALIA is the physical place where we can invest our best so as that we and Australia can become examples of Vision-Strength-Generosity-Creativity-Rectitude-Humour for all those that live with us and across the whole Planet.

The project will have an open 360° approach: bring together evolutionary projects, establish coordination so that these projects are realized, commit to participating in these, above all seeking to collaborate with institutional organizations, Governmental and others, that are both interested and have a vocation for evolution. Australia is Planet within the planet as only here is there a high concentration of ethnic diversity and this is its great Strength and Fortune, but it could be a major limit if it not put to its best use.

Proud Australia but now it is time for Dream Australia
This ancient Being can produce a new, Unifying Conscience in Action and benefit for the whole Planet. Only in Australia are there the necessary conditions. 

The first wealth that is contained in Australia is the presence across its territory of 144 different Ethnic branches.

Imagine the wonderful possibilities of actively exchanging these cultural and historical riches that we all bring with us.

Another significant advantage is the youth of this new peoples that with a young energy ask to evolve, be better and experiment to grow, like all of us when we are young.

To this we can add the strength and tenacity that is a founding characteristic of those that arrived here without owning anything and that built the new Australia with sweat, labour and honesty.

Reconnect a real and constructive exchange with Aboriginal culture. Without this exchange, unfortunately, we are at risk of losing contact with Aboriginal culture the repository for the Planet of knowledge of the Sweet Dream (Dreamtime).

There are many that see the Aboriginal people as being convertible to a Western system, without understanding that fortunately this people still preserve in them a correct relationship with the Earth and with the correct sense of Ownership and much more.

It’s necessary to listen to those that come from and where born of the Continent to where we have only decided to come and live.

Given that the first two hundred years of Australia history are but only a few generations, many more generations will be needed in order to see the rise of the first new Australian with a new and complete Australian genome.

It’s necessary in the meanwhile to better prepare the conditions that will allow future generations to be more evolved than our own that is not acting with absolute Wisdom.

Obviously we all know the strong concept of “I AM AUSTRALIAN” which needs to be the launching pad for “I AM AUSTRALIA”, given that this is the natural progression of the other. In fact only when I as one am at home and Australian can I represent the sense of “I AM”  “AUSTRALIA”. No longer Being a part of something but Being something which is an Active Manifestation.

In planetary evolutionary terms, “Australia” represents both the ANCIENT and the NEW.  Its land, its place, with Aboriginal settlements that go back almost 40 thousand years and with new settlements post Captain Cook show to the Planet one of the best types of combinations of Technology and Quality of Life.




The Action

In order for every idea or perception of possible cultural and education change to come to fruition it needs to be shared and experimented directly in the Community and through direct contact through those that make it possible: PEOPLE. In order to engage the community it should be noted that there is a need to use methods that that allow for the Sharing and Collection of Ideas through appropriate Communication Channels. Given the size of the Australian territory a web portal that acts as a receiver of the work will offer:

Communicating and exchange of data directly to people across the territory

Video Communications

Audio Communications

Communications to People across the Community

Use and management of 2 camper vans that will tour Australia will engage with place and the reality of communities and highlight their richness in terms of racial, cultural and religious diversity and highlight the work of cultural groups and associations that already undertake work on this objective. Both essential and interesting will be to investigate, within communities, the invisible hearts of people that through their individual actions change the lives of us all in ways that are permanent and visible. This type of action will assist us to collect material, experiences and ideas for future projects. These Resources will be utilized as Informational and Communication content to populate the portal.


The audio/video content will be used to enrich en the communication channel that will be entitled “It’s Possible News” and will allow for single actions to be shared with the community even when those actions are not popular but which give gratification and awareness of being useful.The audio video component will be completed by research via the internet that are relevant to the project and which enriches our daily lives. In this section we will also try to showcase personal stories that will enhance awareness.

Of interest will be the “I Am Australia-World section”. This will capture the life stories of the multiple Ethnicity that have actively taken part through sharing their personal experiences in the Project. Their participation will see them become Ambassadors and Spokesperson of a new sense of Australia that is projected to the future with strength and through the richness of the origins. This engagement will create a real sense of global exchange 

When there is a coming together of personal and collective identity among people in our community, this society will move a step closer to realizing the Australian dream. This will then assist our society to be multicultural, multiracial and multi-spiritual and personal sense of being will be key part of a common sense of being and purpose in the wider community



Table of Contents

1.   Title of project 9

2.   Background to the Project 9

3    Key Objectives & Deliverables. 11

4.   Project Benefits. 12

5    Target Outcomes. 12

6    Project Schedule. 12

7    Budget and Expenditure. 13

8    Project Management Plan. 14
8.1   Governance. 14
8.2   Reporting Requirements. 14

9    Risk Management Plan. 14

1.     Title of project

I Am Australia - Facilitating deep cultural awareness, the celebration of cultural identity, essence of place and community sensibility to the richness of our multicultural society. 

2.     Background to the Project

The Australian continent is home to hundreds of different nationalities. Over 260 different languages are spoken in Australia today, including Indigenous languages, and this linguistic diversity has brought many benefits. Some 19 per cent of the total population speak a language other than English at home.

Three are very few places in the planet where there is a similar diversity of such culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people. To this end Australia is a model multicultural society and is a place that for many CALD groups represents something better, not a place to imitate their homeland. The great wealth that this produces is however, frequently hindered and not used to its full capacity due to the influence of personal and national interests.

The three elements that have made multiculturalism successful are: Firstly in Australia there is a strong link between multiculturalism, the freedom to express and maintain one’s cultural and the value of law. Australian law clearly safeguards freedom while also expecting recognition of its laws. Secondly Australian citizenship is conferred to CALD groups through a pledge and commitment. The practise of becoming an Australian citizen does not mean that one has to forgo or feel that their cultural or linguistic identity becomes undermined. Thirdly multiculturalism in Australia has been rich as it has transcended politics. The political bipartisanship that has marked multiculturalism since its inception has come to support and enrich multicultural advocacy and policy.

Australia has every element to be a robust, liberal multicultural society where cultural awareness could be deep and resilient in its people. To affirm Australia as continent which is at one with the concept of deep cultural diversity requires better understanding the richness of our living stories and people that are defining this place “Australia”.

In essence if Australia wants to be the unique place of cultural and racial harmony where people have come for something better, then this place is only the sum of the rich stories and languages that are in a society. The I Am Australia project will be the “vox populi” that will record the stories of the people that live in harmony who make Australian society what it is.

“I AM AUSTRALIA” is a Cultural and Education Project, hence it is does not aim to promote a product or service that focuses on providing an economic return. Rather its aim is to promote a sense of celebration and tangible use of our diversity which makes our lives much richer. The benefits of the project would also be economic, because by promoting Shared Cultural Wealth for Shared Benefit there would be positive economic and social  benefits arising from the Project, as well as many equally important but less tangible benefits such as:

           Creating a meeting space for inclusion and evolution for those that participate in the project. That is a place where people can connect with and evolve with others

           Create a spot internally and externally where we can dream and build a place that gives benefit to us and to others.

           Create a place where through having a space that capture stories and personal narratives uncertainties and fears can be shared so as to transform them to Courage and Action

           Create a place where Music, the Arts, Culture, Science, Politics, Religion are celebrated and considered with balance.

           Create a place where one can discover new Understanding, new Knowledge and comprehend the wealth of all types of Understanding and the Knowledge of Past

           And ultimately create a place to share. To share Knowledge and Understanding is the only means we have to grow.

Recording the stories and living histories of our CALD groups -  in all the possible languages and with all the cultural groups that live in this continent - is a unique project. It is substantial task that will draw on interactive media and literature; street intercepts/listening stations; web-based engagement and traditional touring of regional communities and centres. The rich content of stories of this “living history in open-source“shall be captured and brought together under the “I Am Australia” website, logo and associated collateral (the web domain www.iamaustralia.org is already owned by the project group).

The intellectual property (once costs and expenses are covered by the project team) will be free to the public under “creative commons” (based on its use meeting guidelines such as political bipartisanship, commercial copyright etc). 


3      Key Objectives & Deliverables


The key objectives of the “I Am Australia” placemaking project are:

1.         Create truly bipartisan content that bridges the gap in the collateral and content associated with the study of Australian history in the Australian national curriculum. The simple concept of recording stories of the full range the CALD citizens in Australia to simply ask “What does the place of Australia mean to you” is a rich addition to the capturing of Australia’s “living history in open-source”. Producing and offering content that celebrates Australia’s rich sense of place is essential if Australia is going to have a meaningful national curriculum for schools. 

2.         Contribute through the “I Am Australia” content a meaningful addition to the national debate on how multiculturalism in Australia is evolving. There is substantial debate and discourse on the end of multiculturalism in this country. Engaging with CALD groups around the sense of place of Australia will provide evidence that will bridge the gaps in mainstream communication and media channels around what it means to be Australian. To this end the project will be a positive contribution to Australian discourse about the communal wealth of equality and cultural richness that exists in our society.

3.         Be a source and font of rich content and collateral for use for communities groups and local arts, culture and heritage groups and advocates across the country. The ongoing generation of “I am Australia” content undertaken by local communities (again in keeping with the parameters of the project of bipartisanship and commercial copyright) will ensure that the project continues to be live, relevant and a source of inspiration. For example should the project will greatly benefit the practise of community development undertaken at the local government levels and/or by community groups.


           To develop an engagement plan for participation that involves connecting with representatives from numerous CALD, ethnic and other community groups who will be the partners to assist in the engagement required to undertake the I Am Australia “vox populi”
           Scope the plan, resources, costs and requirements to establish the I Am Australia website/portal/online channel that is home to the recorded I Am Australia “vox populi” which are to be recorded and distributed primarily from the web channel. The concept will operate as a single seamless platform across, audio, video and web in both offline and online environments.
           Prepare a plan for other resources and collateral required to provide the depth and quality of media, art-direction, IT systems, supporting documents etc to share and distribute the I Am Australia content. 

4.     Project Benefits

What are the expected benefits that will be directly generated by the IAA Projects?  Who will receive the benefits? What is the timeframe for the benefits to begin to impact on the performance of the IAA project? Can a value be ascribed to the benefits in terms of $ value added, value of new users/subscribers or new services or levels of engagement?

5      Target Outcomes

Provide details of how the I Am Australia team will measure the success of the project, when this will occur and who is responsible for delivery. This can be in the following table:

Target Outcome
Completion Date
1 What is to be achieved?
How will the IAA Project team measure if the target has been achieved?
When will this be achieved?
Who is responsible for delivery?


6      Project Schedule

Provide a detailed breakdown of all stages necessary to satisfactorily bring the IAA project to start phase. This can be provided in the following table:

Project Stage Number
Responsible Person
Scheduled Start
Scheduled Finish
Insert stage number (e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc)
What is to be achieved?
Who is responsible for delivery (e.g. CFO, Operations Director etc)?
Insert scheduled start date
Insert scheduled finish date
Previous stage number that must be completed before this stage can commence (this can be left blank if there are no dependencies)

3 etc

7      Budget and Expenditure

Budget for Project - Provide detailed costs breakdown for the IAA project including all significant items of expenditure. This should be broken down into financial years for all aspects of the project.

Activities that should be included here include
·         The purchase of new or upgraded equipment or technology.
·         Network functions or business activities including normal business activities.
·         Network or firm activities that have already taken place or are underway.

Projected Network Profit and LossProvide projections of incremental Profit & Loss and Cash Flow resulting from the project. The Profit & Loss projections should include incremental sales, cost of sales, gross profit, expenses and operating profit. The Cash Flow projections should include incremental cash from operations, funding received from the project (including any grants) and expenditure related to the project.

8      Project Management Plan

8.1    Governance

Provide details of the IAA’s governance structure for the project. What arrangements are in place to ensure that the project proceeds as planned and the members receive the expected benefits from the project?

This is particularly relevant for any .  Issues that should be addressed include authorities for decision making, financial commitments and expenditure, contractual arrangements, project management responsibilities and, if required, personnel recruitment and management arrangements.

8.2    Reporting Requirements

Include details of internal reporting structure for the duration of the project. This can be provided in the following table:

Reported By
To Whom
Reporting Requirements
1 Name and position of responsible person
Name and position of recipient
What is to be provided (e.g. status report)?
How often is this to be provided?
2 etc

9      Risk Management Plan

List potential risks that may affect the project and how they will be mitigated. This can be provided in the following table:

Risk ID Number
Risk Category
Risk Description
Mitigation Strategy
Category of the risk to the project (see note below table)
Brief description of the risk to the project
How much of an effect will it have to project delivery (e.g. high, medium, low)
How likely is it to occur (e.g. high, medium, low)
What actions has the company undertaken to limit this risk?


4 etc

Note: Common risk categories are: project requirements; benefits; schedule; budget; deliverables; scope; issues; suppliers; communication; and resourcing. You may wish to include some, all of these or others, depending on your project.